Sunday, April 5, 2009

A useful tip

I am back home after teaching at the Campbell School. It was a very nice week, with a small class but very enthusiastic and creative students. It makes such a difference when there is good positive energy between everyone.

Before I left, I had prepared things to work on and discovered something quite useful. You may know this and I am not sure why I had not thought of it before, but here it is:
when you write on fabric, you are supposed to stabilize it with something (freezer paper or masking tape) so that it does not stretch under you pen. However, if you are tracing a design or letters, the freezer paper or masking tape makes it impossible to see. I had to trace some very delicate letters written in calligraphy so it was very important that I traced them accurately. And all of the sudden, it donned on me that I could use transparent packing tape instead of masking tape. That would stabilize the fabric but yet be perfectly transparent to do the tracing. Duh! Wish I had thought of that a long time ago!

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