Monday, May 19, 2008


If I have everything planed out and decided as I start a project and all I have left to do is execute it, I have no interest anymore in finishing it. So, even though I do have to have some idea of what I want to make and have to do some planing, drawing of shapes and pieces that I will need, I keep a lot of detail decisions to make as I go. I find that, first of all it keeps my interest, but also it allows me to make decisions after I see how each step looks like. It allows me to react to unexpected things that came about, cool secondary designs and unplanned problems (yes, those too). So, until the end, I have the option of changing things to make the most of serendipitous results or accidents.

The photo is the fabric I just stitched for the inside of the inner petals of the new "Offerings". I now have to cut the hand-dyed velvet for the back of those petals and decide what stitching to do.
Do you also work this way? Or do you have to have everything planed ahead of time? Isn't it interesting to see how our minds work differently!

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