Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pop up books...pop up "Offerings"?

I am fascinated by pop up books. I remember those I had in my childhood and the magic they held for me. I had not thought about them in many, many years, but for some reason the idea popped up (ha ha ha!) in my head recently. I keep thinking that there has to be a way to create a pop up design in fabric and combine it with one of my "Offerings".

So I went to the children section at the store and bought a pop up book (I wish I knew what happened to the ones I had a long time ago) and spent many hours looking. It is one of those things where the concept is easy to understand, when I look at one page that pops up, I think "Oh, no problem, that's easy" and the mechanics of the whole thing seem logic and simple enough...

Well, think again! I tried cutting out some basic shapes in paper just to understand the folds and angles of the thing. And unfortunately my brain does not do well with that kind of logic! It is a good thing I recycle my computer paper and use it as scrap paper, because I did use a lot of it that way and my studio was covered with little bits of paper as if a blizzard had suddenly come through. I did end up with sort of a mock up, but I am not satisfied. I was not even trying to cut out a design that would fit in the box I am working on or be compatible with its shape.

I wish my brain would let me visualise how I need to fold and cut the "base" or "anchor" piece so that when it is pulled opened the other part of the design opens up, and does that in the right direction! I have a hard time just duplicating what I see! I am quite stubborn and I will play with this until I find a way to make it work. I am not worried about translating the design into fabrics, I think it will actually be the easiest part. But first, I need to solve the basic mechanics. Anybody knows a good reference book or article on pop up designs? I need all the help I can get!....

But then again, even though on some level it is a bit frustrating, it is so much fun and I love it when I can prove to my brain that I can do it!!!


Meg Fowler said...

Martine - I did a quick look-around and couldn't find it, but I have a book on pop-ups somewhere in one of my many 'piles' of books. If I unearth it later on, I'll be happy to send it to you.

Martine said...

Thanks, Meg!

Carol Sloan said...
Martine - try this link. It may give you some good ideas. Can't wait to see what you come up with!