Saturday, May 3, 2008

more about inspiration (continued)

My post from yesterday got me thinking about a new piece for the "Offerings" series, either a companion to the necklace I am working on or another piece altogether. When I look for inspiration and to get my brain in gear and creative juices flowing, I have a whole bunch of books that I leaf through. Some are fiber related, some are not. And I do this until something in one image captures my attention and gives me a thread to follow. I am not looking for images to copy but rather for a spark to happen. The work that orinigates from that spark of an idea has usually absolutely nothing in common with the image.

So I was looking at some of those books and there are 2 in particular that I would like to mention because I think they are a wonderful addition to the library of anyone interested in line, textures, design or 3-d objects. They are published by Dover Publications (so very affordable!) and are black and white, extremely enlarged photos of plants by photographer Karl Blossfeldt. One is called Natural Art Forms" (ISBN 0-486-40003-4) and the other "Art Forms in the Plant World"(ISBN 0-486-24990-5). Here are an image from each book. How cool is that! Can't you see the textures just waiting to be stitched!

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