Sunday, May 18, 2008

Public persona

A few days ago I received the newest issue of "Art Calendar" and read an article by Eric Maisel called "Adopting a public persona". The article discusses how an artist (and I am sure most other professional people) may have to adopt a persona in their business dealings that is not necessarily what they are in private, to either project a more assertive and confident personality than what they feel, or vice versa, tone down their natural brashness. This made me realize how much I have had to teach myself how to do that. I think I do appear as fairly confident to my students, public or fellow artists but this is so remote from the insecurity and the doubts that really fill my mind. Is it a mistake to admit it? I don't think so. I think many people, myself included, feel better and actually gain confidence if they know someone they know and possibly admire also suffers from self-doubts. What do you think?


random notes said...

reading your blog entry from today makes me want to take my creative side more seriously and delve into those insecurities. thank you so much for bringing it to my attention.

Darlene said...

I've never thought of myself as being creative, but that's my insecurity! Others tell me I am, and I don't come across to my students as an insecure person. I think because of that, I am apt to try more things out of my comfort zone.