Thursday, March 26, 2009

Second necklace

When I designed the last finished"Offerings", I did it with the intention of hanging the necklace from the ceiling, so that it would be seen suspended when the doors are opened. I worked really hard on that necklace, made sure that it was not too long, but when it was all done, I realized that because of its shape, not hang well. So, I changed the plans and display it on the bottom of the piece. It works but it is not what I intended.

When I showed the piece to a group I meet with every few months, one of the members asked, it I would consider making another necklace to fit in the box as I had originally planed. The idea had not even crossed my mind! In retrospect, of course, it seems like the thing to do. But when I discovered the problem, possibly because I had worked so hard, I did not even consider that option. Strange how the mind works....or does not work!
My friend's comment made so much sense that I decided that I would indeed make a new necklace. I asked glass artist Teresa Brittain from TN to make a large blue tear-shaped bead and I am beading that. It is far from being done and it is probably as challenging as the other necklace ("weave 3 beads and take 2 out" kind of thing!) but I am enjoying it nonetheless and so far am pleased with the results. There are still a number of problems I need to solve...but hey, that's for tomorrow.

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